DEPARTMENT'S COMMANDERS CORN HOLE TOUNAMENT, September 8, 2019. Sign up is at 10:30AM and play begins at 11:30AM, $20.00 per team in support for the National Home for Children. The Post 9th annual 9-11 BBQ, Steak, Corn on the cob, salad, rolls, potato salad, ice cream will be available for $15.00 per person. Chef PSC Mike Choquette. RSVP for the BBQ by September 4, 2019 by calling the Post (229-9028) or stopping in.
DISTRICT 3 MEETING - September 21, 2019 at Post 798 Newport. Round Up Starts at 10AM.
COA MEETING - September 28, 2019 at Post 6471 Manchester, VT at 1PM lunch at 12PM.
Looking for a member who has background experience or knowledge in websites. We are in need of a webmaster for this website for our post who has time to keep this website updated. Contact the Post Quartermaster  Don McCormick at 229-4571 or email if interested.
Post 792 - We are a ALL-STATE POST and the STATE COMMUNITY SERVICE POST OF THE YEAR for 2018-19!! Congratulations to all!